Nutrition Coaching
Today's “Plagues of Prosperity” Share One ThiNG: Insulin Resistance
These disorders (and many others) have one thing in common… To varying degrees, each is caused or made worse by the inability of the hormone insulin to perform as it should—a condition largely within our control called Insulin Resistance. Odds are high if you’re suffering from these disorders, that you’re significantly affected by this condition.
We’re a member of The Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners.
The SMHP™ represents researchers and practitioners working to improve the world’s metabolic health through education, training, and support of evidence-based nutritional approaches, including carbohydrate restriction, as a valid therapeutic option or intervention.
one-on-one coaching
Coaching sessions are not “lessons” or informational lectures. They’re personal, heartfelt conversations that help you learn from the things you did last week, clarify your individual goals for the upcoming week, get motivated, and be accountable to yourself.
Targeting Struggles, Celebrating Successes:
What went well last week? What didn’t? Coaches listen to and answer your questions. They provide the support you need to stay focused and move ahead.
Achievable, Weekly Goal Setting:
Our goal-setting framework accommodates individual needs. We’ve found that most action items fall under Your Nutrition, Your Behavior, and/or Your Plateaus. Your coach helps you set goals and you’ll conclude each session with a clear direction for the upcoming week.
Course Content:
Your coach will spend a few minutes each week during your private coaching session discussing the reading you’ve been doing that week inside our flagship course, Reversing Insulin Resistance in 90 Days.
Your Needs:
Your coaching session is your personalized time to focus on your goals. While you’re welcome to guide the session, there’s no need to bring an “agenda” – that’s what your coach is for. Each week, your coach will follow up on your progress, adjust where needed, and set new goals for the week ahead.