NUTRITIONIST in Orem, Utah | Nutrition Coaching at Elevate Fitness & Rehab
Nutrition Coaching We Offer
Are you looking for nutrition professionals near Salt Lake City? At Elevate, we specialize in both fitness and nutrition to help you lead a healthier life. Healthier habits are key not just to getting in shape, but to reducing your risk of chronic diseases and issues like heart disease. Our nutrition expert will help you reach your health goals, whether you need to refine your macros to build muscle or want to build a healthier relationship with food. Nutrition is key for fitness performance, weight management, and a healthy lifestyle.
At Elevate, we focus on insulin resistance, and provide dietary guidance to help you overcome the impact of dietary culture on individuals and find the right dietary requirements that fit your health and goals.
Today's “Plagues of Prosperity” Share One ThiNG: Insulin Resistance
We’re a member of The Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners.
Personal One-on-one nutrition coaching
90-day commitment
one-on-one coaching
Targeting Struggles, Celebrating Successes:
What went well last week? What didn't? How do you like your meal plans? Did you have a hard time making good dietary choices? Coaches listen to and answer your questions. They provide the support you need to stay focused and move ahead.
Achievable, Weekly Goal Setting:
Our goal-setting framework accommodates individual needs, whether weight loss, reducing inflammatory conditions, or improved athletic performance. We've found that most action items fall under Your Nutrition, Your Behavior, and/or Your Plateaus. Your coach helps you set goals, and you'll conclude each session with a clear direction for the upcoming week.
Course Content:
Your coach will spend a few minutes each week during your private coaching session discussing the reading you've been doing that week inside our flagship course, Reversing Insulin Resistance in 90 Days.
Your Needs:
Your coaching session is your personalized time to focus on your goals. While you're welcome to guide the session, there's no need to bring an “agenda” – that's what your coach is for. Each week, your coach will follow up on your progress, adjust where needed, and set new goals for the week ahead.